The Future of Medicare W/ PBS Retirement Expert and New York Times Bestselling Author, Philip Moeller
Medicare is notoriously complex. The countless plan options, tedious paperwork, and convoluted prescription drug pricing schemes make it nearly impossible to figure out how, and where to begin.
And for the 55 million Americans that rely on it, that’s a problem. But it’s the reason Medicare expert and New York Times bestselling author, Philip Moeller, has devoted his career to cutting through all the red tape.
And this week, he joins Marc on Oxford Club Radio to discuss the big changes tee’d up to hit Medicare once the Trump administration gets into full swing. He shares fascinating research from his latest book, “Get Whats Your for Medicare: Maximize Your Coverage, Minimize Your Costs” and reveals the two simple steps you must take today to ensure that you’re not overpaying for your coverage.
You’ll also learn why the upcoming December 7th deadline is absolutely critical for all Medicare recipients. This interview is one you have to hear.
Click here to read the transcript.