Navigating Today’s Volatile and Unpredictable Market w/ Hedge Fund Trader, Kevin Logan


This week’s edition of Oxford Club Radio marks a big milestone. It’s our 200th episode on the air. And in a rather fitting fashion, Marc’s invited our very first guest back on the show.

Kevin Logan is a Principal at San Francisco-based hedge fund, Occasio Partners. He’s one of the best traders Marc know. Today, they sit down to discuss the latest in a growing trend of strange market circumstances…

The political environment in Washington is volatile and unpredictable, yet it’s not reflected in the stock market. In fact, last Friday marked the 89th consecutive trading day that we’ve gone without even a 1% pullback.

So, what does it mean for investors? And what trades can you make to prepare for a correction? Tune into this week’s episode to find out.

Click here to read a transcript.